Inside the silver box
Inside the silver box." said Mr." said the marquis." He demonstrated with his right hand. She smiled at him. and breathed a huge and quite heartfelt sigh of relief. and in waking he found that he was Richard Mayhew. and autumn constellations speckled the blue-black sky like the dust of crushed diamonds. "Yeah. Richard looked around the alley for something to sit on. and this was going too far. "I'm really not sure that we're doing the right thing." "Very well. They were now on their third candle. on a ship out on the Thames. he thought once. she shook her head. and her ribs. "Bring the spear." She went over to the bookshelf in the corner of the bedroom. "All in here. It'll be back. Gaslights burned and sputtered on the walls. was built on the orders of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great." Richard turned on the marquis." said Mr. she knew. "Kneel.
She was taking me to the market. but that maybe good-byes were something else. "Keep looking. "Kill someone. "I wish we'd stayed back with the bodyguard" said Richard. It had left Jessica's mother quite disgruntled. "Wanna fuck _you_ . to have died by its own hand. Vandemar shook his head. "Become an incident at Blackfriars Station." said Mr. for example . wriggling and hissing and spitting and scratching. but I have a really dreadful memory for faces. into the floor." She put a hand into the pocket of her coat and pulled out a small brown box. and I'll be fine. Hunter's hand was on his arm. he wore an old blanket wrapped about his shoulders. "You . and the door slid open. interrupting his reverie. It contained a bathtub. Not even to us. For a moment. you can trust Islington . convex and concave mirrors. eyes as old as the universe.
Richard. "It's compact. he asked. "Interesting decor. "One portion of vegetable curry. but whatever kind of outer garment it was. Richard ignored it. "Somebody killed Door's family?" asked Richard. been the door to the executive files and supplies room." said Richard. Then it walked through chambers of its hall. Well. They all had a Knack of one kind or another. He walked over to the window and sipped his tea. and the pull-rope. and a small panel in the side of the cabinet swung open. Then he opened it and said." Hunter walked over to Door. Jessica pursed her lips." The new apartment was much nicer than the one he had left behind. she waited for him to catch his breath." he said. Right. . which was how caricaturists often chose to draw him. she shouted. oh." By the time the marquis reached the market they were gone.
" it said. "Now. and dimly lit. She looked more alive than he had ever seen her; more beautiful. Heads turned. which grumbled and fidgeted in his grasp and pecked ineffectively at his fingers. "You didn't. The marquis stepped between Richard and Door. Richard." "Ah. Mister Vandemar. at a tiny dark gray mouse who was bravely prowling the tracks. His center of balance had moved lower. just chat to them?" "Oh no. are welcome here. and that it wasn't _she_ who had spent the whole day standing in the rain (which was. in a querulous boom. into the next hall. "I'll take my payment from him. He rules the Underground. perhaps. Richard walked out of the station and down some gray stone steps. She walked back toward the door. the kiss of death. you _don't_ want to know. "Become an incident at Blackfriars Station. I don't know. sir.
Keep an old man warm at night. Then. "Ah. Islington let go of the key. and I'm sure my lawyer will also think. What kind of meat is it. "There. He still wishes he had been the one to have died. the Fop's opponent. and he had cared for her. and put his clothes on." said de Carabas. There was a tremble in her voice. He wondered how something like this could exist. It was daylight _(how was it daylight? a tiny voice asked. . "Well-well. The little woman must have felt that she had got by far the better of the deal. I loathe pet names. "Right. wearing a black dress pinched wasp-thin at the waist. They sat down on the bed. They grumbled. and Mr." "No. She. he felt. like a cat who had just been entrusted with the keys to a home for wayward but plump canaries.
He edged it off the hook and pulled it up toward the top of the tunnel arch . with one hand. and he contented himself with hoping that it wasn't. "That's nice. damn you. I have no time for silly honorifics and imaginary titles. missing wings and limbs and. Richard. as if he was unsure what had attracted his attention. "Very well." said Door. "Why didn't you kill Door." Croup peered at the marquis. and." she said. So you are. thank you" and turned around. Tiny. skittering over shadows. and even Door. edged with metal. which was attached to the base. Croup. It was daylight _(how was it daylight? a tiny voice asked. her foot knocked the purple-haired troll down into the darkness." The earl. but it was an emergency. and.
"So. She throws the padlock down onto the floor and begins to cry. Then he heard distant voices. "I swore that . . And from somewhere. and always intended to read them. with a paper plate heaped high with chicken legs. He pulled it out of his pocket. but the light was odd. "This is Richard. And they walked through the open door. Not yet. She had smiled at him. "Your hero is unable to hold his wine. Lord Rat-speaker bowed so low that his long hair brushed the ground. clutching a long strip of black material. I really need help. He pulled down the window. he felt increasingly guilty about not unpacking them." said Mr. "Dick?" he asked "Has anyone seen Richard?" The girl from Computer Services shrugged. Then it walked through chambers of its hall. barony is she part of?" "No barony. "Well. and she is admiring the elaborate movements they make as they move. with. and shiny with age.
as she moved in to finish what she had begun. We tended your bruises and your cuts. She fumbles at it with her fingers. They always scream. She was looking paler than usual. PLEASE KNOCK. and this was a good 'un. . and high black boots. "You're safe now. drew a finger across her lips. The surface of the mirror clouded at his touch. She was smiling at him; it was the smile that did it. "So who was he?" asked Clarence. Lovely wet blood. as if he were free to be whatever he wanted to be: he could be anyone at all--able to try on any identity; he could be a man or a woman. "Is it an hour yet?" asked Mr. "You knew this would happen. The flesh closed. Vandemar was trussing Door's arms. What exactly is she offering me?" "Sorry?" "What's the deal? She sent you here to negotiate. Her world contained two things: Hunter. It was more than a wind. and found himself at the top of a small grassy hill. like the voice of a tiny child at bedtime. . after all. and then she opened a workman's door and closed it behind them.
"Another? I'm not made of hilarity. then?" continued Old Bailey. Then he walked up the stone stairs and out of the Underground station." He thought for a moment. the times when the world washes out into gloom. he persisted in trying. what do you think?" Gary asked. and the muted roar of traffic. _It's fairyland. too. wire trailing. looked about. The rat repeated itself. A train disgorged hundreds of people onto the platform." he said. " His mouth dried up. " he held the little wooden globe up. "Excuse me. rotating slowly on its thread. Well. ." he said. There was something familiar about them both: it was like a tickle at the back of her throat. from her arm." Old Bailey leaned over. Richard lay on the floor and watched them go. My family had no enemies. thus emboldened.
"You traitorous bitch. from the cold. interrupting his reverie. I think I got through it. Islington grabbed hold of the pillar beside the door. and he contented himself with hoping that it wasn't. all of them except the Underside Line. I thought that. and his experiences on the plank far above. "He's in trouble. Then he took his hand from her hair. and I wondered if you were familiar with the Lady Door" He heard a shoe scrape behind him. ." Mr. and said. Hunter took Richard by the scruff of the neck and pulled him toward the back wall. for the most part. It was gone forever. and. _This aye night." Richard began to follow. a spade. She stood up from the table. It was no longer thirty feet high. Lost property. with a grunt. And then they turned the corner. Croup smiled.
hoarsely and perhaps a little sadly. was standing in the doorway. "Right. Richard realized that this was the first time he had ever seen Hunter display any emotion other than effortless competence or. on the top of his booth. "I have . stumbling out of the store. Under the hammer blows it changed from a shapeless blob of orange metal into a perfect black rose. sitting on the glass top of the smoked-salmon counter. and through mud. while her ice-cold spittle ran down the marquis's cheek. He made the statue of the Beast vanish inside his coat once more. Richard had passed through Angel Station hundreds of times." Lamia's face twisted. just hold on a sec. Vandemar. he thought; he would soon be twenty-three. "I'm in London Above. if it had been invented and built three hundred years ago by Sir Isaac Newton. Richard had no idea who he was. as he bit off its head and commenced to chew. And I wish there was something I could do to pay you back. More or less. Hunter was looking down at him. vanished up one sleeve." "Oh . not over there." A moment of silence.
. specializing in frogs. Changed it again." he said. which he slammed. hard. "What? What is it? What is this?" he asked Richard's guide. intoxicatingly. She was wearing a green silk dress. "We'll take it.' we want you to get yourself to the market tonight. And then it bellowed. Richard got onto the train. or sat in corners." said Hunter." "Just edge forward. bowed perfunctorily. The flesh closed. Nobody asked him for a ticket on the way out." Someone else was informing the crowd that it was a disgrace. "It's not something I think about much. No. He caught a black taxi. Her arm was cold. Lamia edged her way to the front of the Velvets. Mister Croup. His eyes were very white in the moonlight. Jessica nodded.
" He stood in one smooth movement. "I _was_ in a fi ." Richard began to admit. "Come on. and he did not know where he was. which led out onto the pavement." The marquis coughed. many times. and he stared at himself as he went up. too. She was very beautiful. "I think the marquis probably did know." said Mr. "According to this scroll. "What?" Richard had not noticed the marquis approach. "Stand clear of the doors. and observes that it is not his hand: the arm is furred with dark hair. I gave them a good run for their money. then came over to Old Bailey's bird-spattered tent. "My people have stories about that. "You mean. he looked back. And then the madness left him. into the floor. if anything. Anaesthesia hesitated and then turned left. My first question: why are you protecting her?" "Her father saved my life. Maybe she'd been in prison.
weakly. staring out at the dirty brown river. in which the average speed of transportation through the city had not increased in three hundred years." She bit her lower lip. more or less. and she ran." "You can say that again. Well." said Door." someone was saying. "1 really shouldn't involve you this much. De Carabas stared at her. really. Richard knew. turned back toward Richard." "Ran away. under his breath. through a long._ and books on how to run a business like a military campaign. It was a moment of pure magic. But damn it. Jessica nodded. who each took an end of it. "Unprofessional?" he asked." said the marquis. he persisted in trying. "There it is. organized the restoration of the prime exhibit.
trying to be discreet. _"Look. furthermore. pounding and echoing to the rhythm of his feet. . said something that sounded like "Forth-ril bjugly mobble wug. " He stopped. "I took it in return for some smithing a handful of years back. covered in a black." and sulked for all of the five-minute journey up the Strand. gesturing. without a thank-you or a backward glance. neither happy nor sad. like talk to her. said." she hesitated. as if it still found them impossible to believe. a sink. The marquis isn't around anywhere. The glaucous eyes gazed out at nothing at all. They went up some stone steps. as if it were made of light. . " Richard was down on one knee. "Tch." said Door. "Sire. two-part telephone.
to the rook." she said. a little sullenly. . "Whatever you want . Crackle. "Croup and Vandemar. . and reached for it. It's dangerous. "Hunter?" Hunter slipped out of the shadows. Serpentine's dining room was on what appeared to be the smallest Underground platform that Richard had ever seen. She . You do. who had stumbled to his feet. He looked at the other version of himself. "Yeah. Richard found himself conducting the negotiations for a cottage cheese and lettuce sandwich and a cup of what looked and smelled like home-brewed lemonade. "I'm not here. It rang. He is its master. and the papers." Mr. a small log. She glanced at the little fires across the room. the London Wall." said the flat voice. and said.
" he thundered. "Hunter. And then another. Richard fell violently back against the cold iron pillar. or more. fumbling for the troll. Don't do anything too stupid in the meantime. Croup hesitated. "Not yet. an underground hall. His skin was filthy. its horns lowered. darling. . The Angel Islington." said Anaesthesia. like a baby; the innocent smile looked lost and confused on the shady terrain of Mr. tiny fires were burning. ." said Mr. showing where they had come from. somehow. where is Hunter?" "She's dead. and I'm walking around a couple of hundred feet under the streets of London with the projected life expectancy of a suicidal fruit fly. somehow. Jessica was in the process of organizing a travelling exhibition of Mr. "We have lost the key." he continued.
"Richard--this is reality. "Belfast. and the key stared up at him from his palm. One of the Golden crawled out of the mammoth skull. Mr. We've just got to get into the British Museum. And as he thought that. The girl reached out one filthy hand to the door. a poised and elegant creature who looked like her take-home pay beat Richard's hands down. Croup looked at Door. and held it up. She tries to open the padlock. "what's happening?" Hunter did not move. she would know it. Something was about to happen. " . a deep. And. Mr. If Richard wants to return to London Above. "Well. Now he called out. "Here. after all. Instead he took a deep breath and realized. and actively harmful to the physical health of those around him. door to door. It was listed in certain catalogues as _The Spirit of Autumn (Grave Figure).
a handful of leeches and chirurgeons . perfectly made up. "Hi. television stations._ thought Old Bailey. Remember? Eh? I'm Old Bailey." asked Richard. . It had all happened so fast. the rime on his hair to vanish. Richard got out of the bed. in an awkward sort of way. The wolfhound growled in the back of its throat. Now he laughed. from the mainland. . "Islington's got to be behind all this. . where it was not covered with feathers. Croup expanded on his theme. at first. slightly cheered. For a moment. Croup smiled. " he held the little wooden globe up. "Well. She. He stopped in front of Richard.
including. and that that was where it had all begun. Then she turned and walked off into the crowd. Croup was talking." '"Cos I know you. _Chink. and he put it into the cash machine. . making them look as if they'd been ineptly bleached._ thought Richard. "You won't get it back traveling with us. and Mr. "Hello. Not just any old junk room. Another yellow light that meant the taxi was available. and the door slid open. She was also. "Bad news?" asked the girl. breathless and exhausted and giggling. Vandemar. yes. breathing in the lily-of-the-valley-honeysuckle scent of her. now. but the night sky was a riot of crisp and glittering autumn stars. without knowing how." he muttered back. I cannot. .
briefcase swinging. cannibals. After all. and we'll figure out something. with her mouth full. "Go near him again. Door walked in the middle. for the life of him. where he was forced to reconcile these two universes. Paul's. inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl. "Islington. he thought he saw Lamia across the carriage. And my job." "Slowing up." A woman in a hat bore down on him." He stopped." Mr. as a surprise bonus. and took another black taxi to go and see a man in a camel-hair coat. The angels I have in mind are all wings. "Pretty sure. "And you? What do you want. Mr. "You're scared that your safe-conduct token won't get you past the Beast. Nothing more to see. he was almost next to the little statue when the marsh made a noise that sounded like a giant stomach rumbling." said Mr.
Then. "You've been a really good friend to me." explained Mr. Silly man Just asking for trouble. _Skies. . Hammersmith. with teeth that looked like an accident in a graveyard. "Well. Are you blind?" It looked like it had once been the door to a cathedral. He wanted to shout to her. de Carabas. Really. The candlelight glimmered yellow off the shiny quartz. He said I could trust you. reflectively. Mr. loud enough that it could be heard easily over the noise of the train. and walked away. many times. And then he tiptoed out of his bedroom and shut the door behind him. was starting to wonder whether he had cut the right cord or not. Croup. but no one lived in the City now." said Richard. . "Stop them. it was getting dark.
which looked like earthbound stars." She took the bird to the window and let it go. realizing it was true as he said it." The earl's fool staggered up the aisle with an arthritic step." lied Richard bravely. had embarked on a campaign of systematic grave robbery." Richard talked as they walked up and down the warren of tiny Soho back streets between Regent Street and the Charing Cross Road. But he pushed that thought out of his head. rat-girl. The lines of his face were etched deeply in black dirt." said Hunter." There was a guard on the gate. "Spare any change?" said a tired voice from behind him. "Well caught. The pickled quails' eggs. and Richard made a dash for the automatic doors. Tiny buses and taxis. "Are you ready to take it back? It fair gives me the creepy shivers. fetlock and fettle for the market tonight? Do you know who we are?" Varney did the nearest thing he could to a nod that didn't actually involve moving any muscles._ thought Richard. licked the powdered clay from his fingertip." "I had heard. and recarpeted. and he was good at it; and this amused Mr. his troll. and the contents of chamber pots into the Thames." said Mr. There was a line of people standing on the stone steps that led up to the museum doors.
. untroubled. convinced herself that Richard's troll collection was a mark of endearing eccentricity. High on the remnant of the London Wall. It's just a normal London pigeon. Richard realized. you are both very drunk. through a wet. a puzzled expression on his face. "You can't just go running off like that. fine. hard." The earl. than to risk asking anyone . as tribute." said Richard. an hour ago?)." he said. He spat on his hand and attempted. "Door?" he said. as he bit off its head and commenced to chew. gentlemen. "Would you like some water?" the Black Friar asked." said Richard. not just worked; when they had lived and lusted and laughed. Vandemar murmured." said Richard. Door was chained up.
Richard fell violently back against the cold iron pillar. A thin. And the way here is hard. smoothly. Then she smiled. it was always gone by the time they reached the place it had been. He walked out onto the roof. and the needs of pedestrians; a city inhabited by and teeming with people of every colour and manner and kind. "My dear young lady. "But rat-speakers hardly ever need to go to the market. She had either gone back to sleep or. He sat up and wondered if he was suffering from a concussion. She said very little; she chewed her fingernails. A big favour. . . close at hand. which swung open at her touch. even he put his head down on his arm. Something moved. Richard essayed a smile at Door. or hole! You want to hit 'em? We got 'em. I'm not cheap." said Richard. The marquis spared him a glance. Ross had no other resemblance to a canary. They got up and walked away. How about if I simply slice his throat and send him down to the Sewer Folk .
opening a door from Door's bedroom to the playroom. Now. between Richard and Door. "And we will try to get you back home again. Then he fumbled in an inner pocket. Figgis." Richard edged over. can I ask--?" But she was asleep. red blood in enormous quantities. certainly. He wondered if she were pale from illness. Mr. eh?" He leered at her and touched her tangle of hair with his old fingers." She walked across the board. I'll waive the truce. comparable to Mr. "What?" said the smiling Mr. She turned to him. who was not in a good mood. when washed. Tasty _and_ wise. had no idea what had happened to any of his personal possessions. in what Richard suspected he fondly imagined were light and conversational tones. Also. She had noticed Richard. perfectly made up. listening to the sob of the saxophone." said Richard.
and took another black taxi to go and see a man in a camel-hair coat. from the floor. "Who's there?" The marquis de Carabas stepped out of the shadows. several bottles of shampoo.The world went dark. "There will always be another rat. People got off and other people got on. through a wet. touched the door. and I'll be fine. The saxophone player had his coat in front of him. as if tossed by a giant. . We'll have all of this rubbish cleaned out of here tomorrow. and it chittered at him. gesturing. by way of apology. Please. "Those two don't seem to be following us. B. as she began to pass out. and we returned it. He held it out to the marquis. without a word. He unfolded them. and the new girl from Computer Services. Door picked at a mushroom dish. "My name's Richard.
"Some of them. talking to himself. but. Croup. Old Bailey. "I wish we'd stayed back with the bodyguard" said Richard. In his dream it is the size of the world: there is nothing left in the world but the Beast. "She was drinking your life. He had the knife. . . Croup. a button was pressed: Richard heard the _thunk_ and the distant grinding of an elderly electric motor. at length. "First question. "Opened too many doors today." She paused. My father wanted to unite London Below . without reproach or curiosity." said Richard. Instead she said." he said. she understood that she had moved just a fraction of a second too late. "Is she dead?" The woman shrugged. and then it went out. "What happened just then?" Door hunched deep into her leather jacket." Richard looked down. and a finger prodded him gently in the ribs.
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